Big Tech is Bad for Your Medical Records

Big Tech is Bad for Your Medical Records. If you are using any wearable or programable device for tracking your Health and Medica Data you need to BEWARE!! Do not let Big Tech control and release your unprotected Health Data!

Welcome to Inpersona and Helo. It is where the Web 3.0 World and our Health Data are being protected and further utilized across the blockchain to earn you $$.

Here is a quick overview! Then let’s get you started just below this presentation:

Again, Do not let Big Tech control and release your unprotected Health Data! Our sovereignty (the privacy of our information) is being open-sourced. It is being made available to the highest bidder. But we have a solution. It is Inpersona and the Helo Devices.

Inpersona and Helo

Now let’s get you started with your own Helo Device and with it have the ability to not only control your Health Data but also be in a position to benefit from it. And we can gain in rewards from the Socialfi and Healthfi aspects, the healthier we become. This is truly a brilliant wave of the future.

This information is also up-to-date and available on the Inpersona.Com Page Here

First, this begins with you downloading the Free Inpersona App from the Apple iStore or Google Play Store:


Support is Available through us or the Corporate Connections with Inpersona and the Community. Either through the Inpersona Support and Customer Service or through our Experts in our Online Community you have support to gain and participate in the future with Inpersona. SEE This Page For Support Services and you will be able to gain access to our Online Community. Details Below.

Having the Right Supplements and Nutrition! This is all about the best available Science and Science Nutrition. There are some incredible advancements in what is available to enhance our life and longevity of health. We found it and are proud to be sharing it with the World. We Fully Recommend These Bio-Hacking Products.

If you do not understand clearly what an NFT is we have a great informational Video to share:

In Addition to the Support and Access to information regarding Inpersona; We offer a huge Support Network. Simply Contact Us to gain access to our Online Community with years of experience with this new technology and direction.

There are so Many More Ways we Connect our Online Community Members with Benefits and Awesome Things. Simply Contact Us when you are ready for even more.